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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Current Electricity Crisis In Pakistan, All Blames Lead to President House

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Dear friends,

Just called Pakistan and heard the horror stories of ordinary people yearning for electricity. Businesses are shutting down, people are getting unemployed because businesses are not running, patients are not getting treated in hospitals, no computers working in schools, crime rate is going up due to darkness and the ode goes on and on.

Here is the other side of the picture, all the privatized electric generation companies in Pakistan like KESC, MESCO (Multan Electric Supply), REPCO (Rawalpindi Electric Supply) etc. etc..... have stopped electric generation completely. The reason:

In a typical thermal power generation company, no matter how efficient they are; generally make 8% - 10% profit before tax just like utility companies in West but Zardari & Company in Pakistan are demanding 15% - 20% commission / kickbacks from these private electricity generation companies on their gross revenue, so no matter how efficient these companies might become operationally, the money is simply not there for that level of kickbacks. Since the businesses are by nature supposed to make profit, in the abscence of porfit opportunities, nobody will work.

Will there be an end to the miseries of ordinary Pakistanis??

Any thoughts!!!


  1. --> Currently we have PETROL SHORTAGE,

    --> GAS Pressure have reduced

    --> Shortage of gas supply.

    this is almost winter's end guys and we have electricity problem imagine SUMMER

  2. They are sealing their own deaths - the people will revolt if this carries on for much longer.
